Vinod Sharma
Hans Verhulst
Vinod is CEO and owner of Dekielectronics Ltd. He represents the business sector at CEDIS. "Businesses should be run as innovative  organizations with the heart of a service organization with the human desire to excel."

160, Munrika Enclave, New Delhi 110067 India
T  +91 98 100 88779
Hans is the founder of CEDIS. He represents the institutional sector at Cedis. "Our tools are good. They are practice-based theory. Moreover, they are the result of co-creation with stakeholders."

22, Florapark, Eindhoven 5644 BX   Netherlands

T  +31 6 51 52 86 89

After more than 15 years in trading and distribution, Hans earns his spurs in production as CEO of Axel Christiernsson, a Swedish high-tech
manufacturer with a unique business model. He gets acquainted with the world of private label manufacturing, where product development,
rather than the brand, is the main value proposition.

1998  For the CBI - Centre of Promotion of Imports (Netherlands), CEDIS starts applying the lessons learned with producers from low cost

2003 "Made in Argentina......Zimbabwe"  thesis on value creation. First contours of value add in global supply chains

2005  The CBI starts its Train-The-Coach programs. TTC alumnus Vinod Sharma  joins CEDIS in the thinking process. Vinod's background
          forms the perfect combination: manufacturing experience a fanatic focus on customer value and a drive in upgrading businesses.

2007  During a TTC in East Africa, the value chain model that will become the foundation of "ValueMagics", is completed
          and named "The Magic Pallet"
2008  With more TTC's, "The Global Value Chain" emerges, a network of TTC alumni around the globe. They contribute with case studies
          to CEDIS first publication....

2012  With support from the CBI, CEDIS' ideas and tools are captured in "ValueMagics, a high road to global markets".

2013  McGraw Hill publishes an adapted version  "ValueMagics, a new road map from cost to value". ValueMagics appeals to business owners
          and managers. They apply the tools and find the market entry model that suits their business best. And get results.

2013  ValueMagics generates a lot of interest with policy makers. Time has come to think value on sector level as well.
           CEDIS develops new models and tools for governments and support organizations. The MRI scan, our most
           powerful tool for value system analysis, is tested in in East Africa, India, Latin America and the Caribbean.

2015  Though based on the same principles, a firm's value chain and a country's value system have different variables.
           Hence, we create two different sub-brands of ValueMagics:

                     - ValueMathics at firm level
                     - ValueNomics at sector level  

At CEDIS, we now focus on sector competitiveness and are working around the clock on "ValueNomics, a new road map for trade promotion."
As with all our models and tools, it will be practice based theory, hence dynamic. Check our website and Facebook  for updates.

If you share the same passion and think you can contribute, do contact us.
The CBI team preparing for "ExportaPais", Ecuador's Trade Development and Promotion program under the umbrella of the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Ecuador

ValueMagics is the benchmark methodology
- Proexport Colombia wins ITC's TPO Award 2014, using ValueMagics' methodology.
- ProEcuador finishes 5th using the same models and tools from ValueMagics.

   Congratulations to all!
Our first GVC meeting in 2006 in Uganda -at the source of the Nile. First contours of the book emerge, including the case studies. Some of us have an additional challenge . . . .
INDIA - EXIM Bank of India, Automotive
Componenents Manufacturers Association
Technology Export Development Organization
Electronics Industries Association
SRI LANKA - Export Development Board
PAKISTAN - Pakistan Automotive
Manufacturing Association
BANGLADESH - Chittagong Chamber
NEPAL - Ministry of Commerce and Supplies
PHILIPPINES - Philexport
INDONESIA - National Agency for Export

EAST AFRICA - Export Promotion Company
Kenya, Uganda Export Promotion Board
Tantrade, Tanzanian Coffee Association

EGYPT - Expolink
TUNISIA - Centre de Promotion des Exportacions
JORDAN - Jordan Enterprise,
Jordan Exporters Association
LEBANON - IDAL, Chamber of Commerce
BRAZIL - Servico Brasileiro de Apoyo
as Micro e Pequenoas Empresas
CHILE - ProChile
BOLIVIA - La Paz Chamber
PERU - Lima Chamber; Promperu
ECUADOR - Ministry of Foreign Trade
COLOMBIA - ProColombia
SURINAM - Surinam Business Forum

GUATEMALA - Agexport
HONDURAS - Federacion de
Exportadores Agropecuarios

DUTCH CARIBBEAN - Public Entities
Chambers of Commerce
CARICOM - Caribbean Export
Development Agency

USA - InterAmerican Development Bank
World Bank
NETHERLANDS - Ministry of Foreign
Affairs - CBI
GERMANY - GIZ - Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit
SWITZERLAND - ITC - International
Trade Centre
AUSTRIA - UNIDO - United Nations
Industrial Development Organization thousands of small and medium sized enterprises that have used our SWAT analysis to
increase their competitiveness in regional and global markets - and got results
TEDO - best market selection for technology driven industrial sectors
SEBRAE - Competitiveness enhancement for footware sector
DTI/TISA - Organizational structure for export development
ProColombia - award winning
export services selling
CEDA - trade strategy for the higher education sector
Exportapais - national trade promotion and development strategy
Economic development for Small Island Development
Expolink - re-engineering of trade support institute
TCA - competitiveness scan of coffee sector
VIETRADE - export diversification for the garments industry
Fotoshoot for first tryouts of the MRI scan for Tanzanian Coffee sector in Dar Es Salaam
Dubai, Global Trade Development Week EMEA

Applying ValueMagics to enhance competitiveness
of free zones in UAE.
Visiting ProEcuador office in Dubai
Celebrating 10 years of Global Value Chain in the Netherlands
Strategic Alliance with SAT Engineers to introduce ValueMagics in Iran
A  strong network of International trade consultants, specialised in global value chain development and trade support business services. Global value chain analysis and development,impacts and implications, Trade Policy consultancy and South-South trade.
Trade strategies that work